The Robert M. Lombard Hyperbaric Oxygenation Medical Center, Inc.
Lyme Disease
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Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium (Borrelia burgdorferi). It is transmitted through the bite of an infected deer or other Ixodes tick. Early symptoms can include a slowly expanding red rash and flu-like symptoms characterized by fatigue, slight fever and swollen glands. Advanced symptoms include arthritis, irregular heartbeat, severe headaches, loss of sensation and movement, and other symptoms.


If diagnosed early, a prescribed course of antibiotics can eliminate the spirochete bacterium from the body. If untreated, Lyme disease can cause permanent debilitation. Not all antibiotics will cure Lyme disease as the spirochetes tend to hide deep within muscle tissues. Living spirochetes were found in a muscle biopsy after a year of IV antibiotic therapy. Nor can many patients tolerate long-term antibiotic use. Lyme spirochetes cannot thrive in the presence of oxygen.


Co-infections, such as ehrlichiosis and babesiosis, make multiple antibiotics or therapies necessary to treat the secondary infection for remission of symptoms. 


Hyperbaric oxygenation therapy for Lyme disease:


·  Enhances action of antibiotic therapy

·  Pushes oxygen deep into tissues

·  Promotes healing of affected areas

·  Alleviates symptoms caused by spirochetes

·  Kills and/or limits bacteria reproduction

·  Evokes a Herxheimer response*

·  Boosts natural immune response


Patients report:


·  Reduction in “brain fog,” increased memory

·  Decreased joint pain

·  Increased stamina

·  Cessation of burning/itching symptoms

·  Restful sleep

·  “Feeling better”

·  Overall reduction in symptoms


* A Herxheimer is a temporary exacerbation of symptoms likely caused by a die-off of spirochetes. Outside of the normal herxheimer experienced during the life-cycle of the spirochete, an atypical herxheimer is used as a diagnostic tool to assess the effectiveness of a treatment. Herxheimers usually diminish in severity as treatments continue. Patients have reported significant decreases in symptoms over time, even after stopping antibiotic treatment.


Suggested treatment schedule:


The usual protocol is one to two daily treatments; five days/week for a total of 40 treatments, with booster sessions as needed. Individual responses vary.

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After two years of antibiotic therapy for Lyme Disease, I reached a plateau in my treatment.  My doctor's choices were limited due to my allergies to some antibiotics so he prescribed HBOT.  After 40 treatments and several follow up treatments, I have a taste of what normal feels like again. I have been able to do more since my treatments than I have since the onset of the disease three and a half years ago.  Although I am still being treated with antibiotics for a co-infection, most of the initial symptoms have disappeared.  I will continue to follow up with HBOT as needed.  HBOT has definitely made the most significant difference in the progress of my treatment.


W. S.

York, PA.



'In addition to a lengthy course of ABX (antibiotics) for treatment of Lyme Disease and co-infections, the most significant therapy was an initial period of 20 HBO treatments. This greatly reduced the excruciating burning nerve pain I had, thereby gradually and totally eliminating the prescribed narcotic pain management pills. I also had major sleep problems. Within that two week period, I was able to regain a normal sleep cycle.  Although it is necessary to repeat the HBO treatments, it is instrumental in maintaining a near normal lifestyle.'


Joe S.

Bucks County, PA

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